Food Waste Services
Providing Nationwide Service
in Food Waste Removal
ReConserve® helps leading food manufacturers and small to medium size food companies nationwide with sanitary and efficient removal of breads, cakes, candies, chips, cookies, crackers, doughs, flours, pastas, snack foods, tortillas, pizzas, nuts, cereal grains and related food by-products. This important service frees these companies to focus on their business — manufacturing quality food products.
We also help manufacturers work toward a reduced landfill objective by providing dependable custom designed bulk removal systems and reliable service assuring the food waste is fully recycled.
Our plants utilize the ReConserve process which takes food waste, separates out non-edible material, then mixes, grinds and dries the mixture into DBP®, our brand of dried bakery product. DBP® is a high-energy, nutrient dense, highly palatable dried component for livestock feed with a greater nutrient value than corn.

ReConserve Benefits:
Guaranteed Brand Identity Protection by total destruction of branded product
Certificate of Destruction for rejected/outdated product
Detailed Monthly Reports of recycled by-products
Integrated Scale Systems for tracking by-product waste streams
Professionally Engineered Systems for the highest levels of efficiency and safety
Washable Components to ensure the highest level of sanitation
More Experience than any company in the industry
State-Of-The-Art Technology For
State-Of-The-Art Service
ReConserve has earned a reputation for developing advanced food waste removal technology through careful, customer-focused planning and design along with professional engineering from start to finish.
We developed new technologies and introduced bulk loading systems to meet the needs of higher speed and greater volume operations. Many of our equipment installations incorporate cutting edge technology such as integrated scale systems and automated notification capabilities.
ReConserve meets with each client to thoroughly review manufacturing processes, waste material volume,

current removal practices, and available space. Based on this review, ReConserve custom designs the most efficient system to meet the specific needs and circumstances, addressing the highest levels of safety and sanitation, meeting and exceeding OSHA guidelines, while minimizing the client’s labor requirements.
We closely monitor the installation process to eliminate interruptions to our client’s production output. After installation, we conduct periodic reviews to ensure all equipment is maintained to meet state and local regulations and guarantee total destruction of our client’s branded product.
ReConserve offers several bulk loading system options:

- Family of Stationary Compactors engineered for efficiency and reduce spillage
- Self-contained Roll-off Compactors ideal for low- to mid-volume plants with limited space
- All-Electric Elevated Bulk Loaders to replace the use of hydraulics and load-thru roofs to eliminate spillage
- Mobile Packer/Front Loaders ideal for small volume plants needing economical alternatives to landfill options

Compactors were the first type of bulk systems offered to food manufacturers. Over time ReConserve has developed compactors better suited for condensing food waste, resulting in lower transportation costs and addressing food safety compliance issues.
Our enclosed compactor container and dumper systems are engineered for a positive seal around a dock door, eliminating the need for employees to leave the building while disposing of food waste carts. This feature enhances your sanitation program by preventing exposure to outside elements and odor, as well as the possibility of contamination by mold, insect infestation, birds, or dust.

Elevated Bulk Systems were developed as an alternative way to handle food waste. The all-electric system is best suited for bread and/or dough operations, eliminating the need for hydraulics.
ReConserve offers a choice of EBS configurations:
- Rear-load single or dual chute
- Side-load single or dual chute
A dual chute configuration allows the trailer to remain stationary during the loading process, maximizing weight.
About 80% of material is loaded through the front chute and automatically shifted to the rear while completing the loading process.

Options Designed For Your Needs
Every ReConserve waste removal system is custom designed and professionally engineered from start to finish. Our goal is to provide you with options that meet your specific needs and space requirements. All OSHA guidelines are met or exceeded in our solutions.
Contact Our Team:
To find out more about our advanced food waste removal systems and how we can benefit your operations, contact our Bakery Services team:
Joe Douglas
Vice President Bakery Services - South
770-967-0145 x107
John Hawrylko
Vice President Bakery Services -
Kevin Shore
Vice President Bakery Services - West
Adam Cowan
Vice President Bakery Services -
Eastern Midwest
Rick Cook
Manager Bakery Services -
Upper Midwest
Stan Wilson
Manager Bakery Services -
South Central
Craig Burrell
Manager Bakery Services -
Eastern Midwest
Jeff Weber
Manager Bakery Services -
Lower Midwest
Rodger Wilson
Manager Bakery Services -
Great Lakes